
frank and katie

A duo. Frank Aarnink and Katie Buckley. Percussion. Harp. Bing Bong. Tinkle. Offshoots has been released! The Greenhouse Sessions is still available online.


Duo Harpverk and Elektra Ensemble


We have a spectacular concert coming up on Sunday!! Here’s all the info you need!
This concert will feature two exciting chamber groups, Elektra Ensemble and Duo Harpverk, that come together to perform recent and exiciting programme by the Nigerian composer Ayo Oluranti, the Japanese Toru Takemitsu and Grammy-prize winner Jennifer Higdon. As well as giving premiere to new works by Oliver Kentish, Ásbjörg Jónsdóttir, Bergrún Snæbjörnsdóttir og Gísli Magnússon written for this occasion. Performers are Ástríður Alda Sigurðardóttir piano, Emilía Rós Sigfúsdóttir flute, Helga Björg Arnardóttir clarinet, Gunnhildur Daðadóttir violin, Margrét Árnadóttir cello, Katie Buckley harp and Frank Aarnink percussion.
Tickets are sold at the entrance, kr. 2000 / 1500.

Birgit Myschi Nyjamulagira
Örn Eldjárn Veðrátta
Ásbjörg Jónsdóttir Stiklað á steinum (premiere)
Bergún Snæbjörnsdóttir Nýtt verk (premiere)
Gísli Magnússon Fylgjur (premiere)
Toru Takemitsu Rain Spell
Ayo Oluranti African Rhythms
Jennifer Higdon Zango Bandango
Oliver Kentish Prelude to a drama (premiere)

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